Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The animal style

I came across those 9gag type of photos whereby it shows the different types of male physique...now who came up with the idea of categorizing the male physique using animal allusions...otter mode, bear mode, beast mode (animal style rules yall!!)..and then comes the segregation between fitness models, athletic, built and bodybuilder...don't they all look like they work hard to build muscles = a Body Builder? lol!
I bet all the pro bodybuilders (Jay, Dexter, Phil, Kai) went through those different stages before they became pro. Why then don't they label it amatuer bodybuilder or noob body builder or intermediate bodybuilder and pro bodybuilder?
I guess it's human nature for some of us to label people for reasons leading to an ego boost, acceptance in group, increased self-esteem and to be able to walk around confidently without the fear of being stereotyped/pick on/socially outcasted, etc etc ? Bet they are other reasons as well (very subjective topic indeed).
On a good note, hope ya'll have a good day and take care of your health (haze+drastic change in weather = recipe for a health disaster).
Toodles now! =)