Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lex Tan

Hello again fellow readers and welcome to The Reading Bodybuilder! I hope all of you had a great weekend especially for those who’re in Sunny Singapore. Well, our guest for today hails from the western side of Singapore, towering high at close to a height of 1.8m! Known to some as the “Gentle Giant”, though he often wrecks havoc at the gym with those heavy-weights. Let me present to you, Lex Tan!


Name: Lex Tan
DOB: 26/02/1988
Marital status: Single
Occupation: Fitness Personal Trainer
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 100kg-110kg (Off-season) 88kg-90kg (Contest)
Hometown: Bukit Panjang
Gym: Fitlion Gym @ Punggol CC / SSC Clubfit Gymnasiums
Team (if any):  -
Achievements: 2008 National Juniors  - Above 70kg – Champion
                                2008 National Juniors – Overall Champ; Mr Junior Singapore
                                2011 MuscleWar - 5th Place
Interview with Lex Tan

TRB:  What’s up Lex? I heard that you’ve been busy with your PT these days. Well it’s a pleasure to have you here with us at The Reading Bodybuilder! Now you held the title of Mr Singapore Junior back in 2008. You must’ve started training at a very young age then right? Share with us how you got into this sport and how was life like before you became a bodybuilder? 

Lex: Hello! Thanks for having me here!
I started training when i was 16 years old, I was actually inspired by the movie; Commando by Arnold Schwarzenegger when i was 11. Long story made short, it wasn't until I was 16 where i decided to use the amount of money i saved up (continue reading to find out how the money came about) to apply for a gym membership and some supplements.

TRB: I remembered the time when you had to diet for nearly a year in preparation for the Juniors contest in 2008 due to the change of competition dates. Could you tell us how did you managed to persevere that long and stick to your contest diet?

Lex: Yes correct! It was indeed a grueling year, having to face many disappointments and worry about being called up for NS enlistment before i even get to stand on stage!
Since i knew it was my last shot in the Juniors category that year, Determination and the hunger to really win after dieting for so long were the key factors that made me persevere through. I also wasn't studying anymore during the time when I started preparing for the show, therefore it became a daily routine just to stay on the diet and maintain my body until the confirmed date of the competition was out.   

TRB: Well you are known for starting your contest preparations much earlier than most bodybuilders. What are some challenges that you have faced during this pre-contest period? How did you managed to overcome it?

Lex: Usually I'll start preparing at 16 weeks out.
Adapting to changes in lifestyle, packing my meals everywhere I go and rejecting friends gathering or parties are the challenges I face time to time.
I'm a person who actually shuts off my mind from the outside world when I start my contest preparations. To treat every contest that I prepare for as if it’s 'my last' keeps me driven and motivated to be the best I can be come contest day.

TRB: You are one tall guy and I’ve seen you get pretty huge during your off-seasons. How do you deal with unwanted stares when you walk around in public? 

Lex: Hahaha, thanks but I still don't think I'm huge in any way yet. Back to the topic, I’ve always believed in being humble everywhere I go, sometimes I’ll just return a smile or achknowledge them by nodding my head.


TRB: I believe there were some occasions whereby you had to control yourself from trying to knock someone’s teeth out while you were out walking in public. Now how do you deal with these young punks or troublemakers? 

Lex: Haha! I'm definitely not a troublemaker or trouble seeker in any way but most of the times I'll just ignore these people unless I feel the need to confront them. I’m sure you and other fellow bodybuilders can agree that I’m actually a pretty laid back fellow. Most of the time, even if I’m half way through my workout, I’ll still joke or fool around.

TRB: You would fit the bill of a “BIG brother” image. What advice would you give youngsters nowadays to keep out of trouble?

Lex: To remain calm and think before acting would be my advice. The Laws in our country isn’t something pleasant to mess with.

TRB: Your last contest was in MuscleWar 2011 whereby you’ve presented to us another great physique of Lex Tan. When can we expect to see you onstage again?

Lex: Thanks! Although I felt I could have done more to be better. Hmmm, lets put it as MuscleWar 2013 if everything on my side goes well. 

TRB: Now, let’s move on to the next question pertaining to our sport. Do you think there is a need to be highly competitive as a bodybuilder since it is an individual sport in itself? How much is too much of a rivalry in this sport? 

Lex: I’m sure everyone competes to WIN or to prove something. Being highly competitive is a must especially when we are doing it alone. We plan our own training, our meals, our supplementation and we don’t get paid for all the sacrifices we go through along with it. But, being humble as we are being highly competitive is definitely something we must have within ourselves.
Personally I feel that when rivalry turns sour and leads to jealousy or even to the extent of insulting fellow competitors openly is uncalled for, that is when it is too much in this sport. Poor sportsmanship is what I’ll call it.

TRB: Let’s say that you’ve had a bad day at the gym, what would you do to make yourself feel better?  Would you apply the same concept if you didn’t perform as well in a contest?

Lex: I’ll lie down on my bed, think about the sacrifices and pain I went through to get to where I am today, I’ll also think about the people who once looked down on me and didn’t believe that I would step on stage and of course the thought of people who have been supporting me all along gets me fired up. It’s the feeling of trying to prove something again so much that it gets me going all over again.
Hmmm.. As for after a contest, its almost the same concept, except that I’ll browse through the pictures and hear from my friends first and then I’ll think about what I could have done or not do to perform better and start planning on what I should focus and improve on to better myself the next time.

TRB: Complete this sentence, “If I weren’t a bodybuilder, I would be a ....”? 

Lex: Haha! This is interesting! Here it goes “If I weren’t a bodybuilder, I would be a scrawny slacker playing online computer games at home, cycling, drinking and partying with friends”
Since young I’ve always been hooked to online first-person shooter games and have always wanted to build a high performance PC for the games.
As for cycling, if you did read the 1st question of this interview, the money which I saved up and spent on gym-membership and supplements was actually a promise within my group of secondary school friends that each of us would save for a period of about 6mths to get a mountain bike which in the end didn’t happen as I was the only person who actually saved up for it!
And lastly, drinking and partying is what I see majority of young adults do these days, I don’t understand the fun or thrill behind drinking though, but I’m definitely not one and will never be one! Haha!

TRB: Any shout-outs to your friends, family or loved ones? 

Lex: Firstly a big thank you to you! The man behind TheReadingBodybuilder! Giving me the chance to be featured and creating a blog to remember the local bodybuilders.
A big shout out to my family and loved one who have always been by my side, supporting me and loving me for who I am.

And of course to my friends and training buddies, always there to provide me with a listening ear when I’m down with problems and pushing me through my workouts.
Thank you everyone!!! 

Now what an awesome interview we have there fellow readers! I’m sure all of us can’t wait to see Lex Tan onstage again. Once again, The Reading Bodybuilder would like to thank Lex Tan for being with us here today. May all of you have a blessed Sunday! 

Best wishes,

Zee (1.4.2012)

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