Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Muhammad Firdaus Bin Zainal

Greetings to all fellow readers! I’m excited to bring you our very first article, up close and personal right at your fingertips. So let’s kick start our first article with one of Singapore’s well-known bodybuilder. Known for his quiet, polite and humble demeanour, but trains like a crazy hardcore machine who never knows when to stop. Let me introduce to you, Muhammad Firdaus Bin Zainal!!! 


Name: Muhammad Firdaus Bin Zainal
DOB: 24th May 1986
Marital status: It's complicated
Occupation: NSF/Personal Trainer (IFPA certified)
Height: 167cm
Weight: 92kg (Off-season) 80kg (Contest)
Hometown: Pandan Gardens, Singapore
Gym: Skyfitness, Fitness Force
Team (if any): C.E.A!
Achievements: 2009 CDANS Opens Category Champion, MuscleWar 2010 Opens Category Champion, 2009 National Bodybuilding Welterweight (up to 75kg) champion.

Interview with Muhammad Firdaus Bin Zainal

TRB:  At what age did you start training?

Firdaus: At 16 years of age.

TRB: How was life like for you before you started carrying those light weights?

Firdaus: I was in constant awe looking at bodybuilding magazines provided by my cousin and was initially skinny. I was moderately active in sports, namely soccer and track & field.

TRB: Now, tell us, what got you started into weight training and when did you decide to turn competitive? 

Firdaus: Ironically I started lifting to improve my athletic performance in track & field. I was a sprinter and a javelin thrower, these two fields calls out for short, bursting movements, power and speed. I seek the help of my cousin, Nazarudin Seladin, 5 times Mr. Asia in lightweight category to help me achieve my goals. He introduced me to the weights and the rest is history. ;-)

TRB: Tell us something about this Team CEA. As the leader of this team, what do you hope to achieve and what prospects do you see your team will be gearing towards in a few years time?

Firdaus: Basically we aim to share our knowledge in regards to chemical enhancement in bodybuilding. I hope to engage the team into a business venture and entrepreneurship because the world of health and fitness is a 'booming' industry.

TRB: Well most of us already know the “bodybuilding side” of Muhammad Firdaus Bin Zainal. Let’s talk about your personal life then. What do you do when you’re not at the gym? 

Firdaus: I tend to do a lot of reading up, spending quality time with my special someone as well as my team. We hang out usually in the weekends, playing LAN gaming, going to the beach to suntan and stuff, watching the movies, basically just chill-out and have fun. Sort of like a de-compression time off from training.

TRB: Well I know for sure that asides from bodybuilding, you are a kick-ass drummer who has performed countless times. Tell us something about that musician side of you.  

Firdaus: Am a Jazz Fusion drummer. I played in functions (hotels, shopping malls etc.)  and was also in Singapore Polytechnic's Jazz band as the drummer. Technically speaking, I am a natural at feeling-out things when it comes to music and rhythm.

TRB: A follow-up to the previous question, why didn’t you pursue on to be a professional drummer instead?

Firdaus: Hmm.. I do thought of it once or twice before but it’s just that my passion and drive are more inclined towards bodybuilding. It brings a tremendous amount of pleasure and satisfaction sculpting your physique.

TRB: Alright, now let’s look at the animalistic side of you. I know you have a cat. Tell us something about it. I hope you don’t throw your cat around like those weights!

Firdaus: Ooopsie! Hehehe... well... sometimes when my cat misbehaved, I'd scold it of course. For the most part, I love my cat and she’s my companion when I'm at home. 'Sarang' is her name, meaning 'Love' in Korean.

TRB: Now, I’ve known you for a long time, and something that not many people get to see is the emotional and sentimental side of Muhammad Firdaus. I’ve seen you write poems and long love-letters, now where did that side of you come from?

Firdaus: Ahh yes! Naturally, I'm an emotional person. My thoughts came from deep within my heart and I speak it out through words or written sentences. I absolutely believe if it came sincerely from my heart, it will definitely be reached out to the other party.

TRB: You don’t drink, you don’t smoke, you don’t club. You’re one of the most pious guys that I know of. How did you manage to not let all these temptations influence you? 

Firdaus: All praise be only to the creator, Allah Azza Wa Jalla! Maybe it was the way I was brought up and the genuine interest that I had towards my religion? I simply have no interest in these above-mentioned things.

TRB: Respect to you my friend! Now is there anything that you may want to share with us?

Firdaus: An influential figure in bodybuilding said this in his articles and forums, “TRAIN HARD NEVER QUIT”. He is none other than Lee Priest, the Blonde Myth.

TRB: Before we close this interview, I would like to pose this question to you. Most of us realised that there are some tough rivalries being intensified in the past few months. Now what do you have to say about that?

Firdaus: I have to say that they are a tad too childish for this sort of things. Remember this is an individual sport and is also subjective to the judges decision on what they are looking for come competition time; may it be mass or absolute cuts. Bearing that in mind, we have totally no control of the other competitor’s / rival’s body, but we do have some control over ours. So just do our best and be satisfied with whatever package or shape that you bring come contest day. The important thing is that we did as best as we humanly could. Jealousy is the main root of these kinda rivalries.

TRB: Wow! What a way to close it off. Thank you so much for your time Firdaus and we’re glad to have you here as our first guest.  As we end this interview, do you have any shout-outs that you’d like to make to your friends, family or loved ones? 

Firdaus: May all your dreams come true but don't forget to work hard on it! I'd like to thank first and foremost after the creator, my beloved parents. They supported me financially and morally from day one, believed in me, loved me and of course, provided me with the genetics to attain championship-ready form! 

To my Team C.E.A, you guys are my best friends, true friends, always there to support me, to drive me through my workouts, thanks Kiki (Zaki) for pushing me a few more reps for the ever-gruelling leg workouts with you and prepping me up together for the love of our sport of bodybuilding from the start to the finish. Remember colouring me up Farhan and Zaki? Hell loads of fun and thanks a gazillion, man! To Susu, you are the man, thanks for the supplemental part, like the Hemorage! Best-ever pre workout booster! And to you, Fauzi a.k.a 'Zee Jackson', thank you for your advice and listening ears! You have been the best ever friend to have ever lent me a listening ear every time I need it especially during my 'troubled' times... you know it eyh.. hehe!
Last but definitely not the least, to my special someone whom I loved dearly and truly, you know who you are. Thank you for providing me with your love and moral support which I treasured till the end. Thank you for being patient enough with me when I am in my dieting phase, all cranky and moody, not giving up on me and pushing me whenever I feel low physically and mentally from the diet and training. I treasured every ounce of your efforts in keeping up with this selfish sport of bodybuilding. I love you baby!

There you have it fellow readers! I’m sure that now, all of you would at least know a little bit more about our very first guest. I would like to once again thank my very good friend, Muhammad Firdaus Bin Zainal to willingly share his opinions and experience on The Reading Bodybuilder

I wish all of you the very best of health! But wait, it’s not over yet! We have one more icon coming right up, so do stick with us!

Zee  (27.3.2012)

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